Level IV Spanish Courses
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- Level IV Spanish Courses
Our level IV Spanish courses via Zoom are for more advanced students. Your levels I-III must be in good shape in order to benefit from taking this level IV Spanish course. Contact US– Schedule a FREE assessment/ 10 min demo to make sure that this is the right Spanish level for you!
This conversational Spanish class focuses on the development of conversational speed, controlled exercises that help you practice what you are learning in class and free style convo. All of are lessons are well structured so that you are learning something new while practicing and improving upon old material learned in levels I– III.
When you sign up, you will have access to all of our exclusive Spanish learning tools we created to help you practice and retain all the material you are learning in class! Included are:
- Our own original Ebook with everything!
- Online quizzes for practice.
- Video tutorials to ensure retention.
- Auditory comprehension stories .
- Video exercises with answer keys.
- Use the Ser Spanish verb correctly
- Give opinion, describe things, events, people, food etc..
- Apply Spanish adjectives & Ser correctly.
- Strengthen your understanding of gender/number!
- Develop your voc. Learn more Spanish core verbs!
- Develop more conversational speed & auditory comp!
- Use the Estar Spanish verb correctly
We are one of the best language studios in the USA. We are the only language studio that creates everything from scratch! From our worksheets, study guides, video tutorials, online quizzes and unique curriculum. Our main instructor speaks 4 languages which is why she brings invaluable insights and knowledge to all our classes!
We care about our student’s success which is why we offer the free assessments and demo. Browse through our website and review our Spanish blog to gain great tips and advice!
Our teaching methodology is original and unique. Our teaching techniques work with all learning styles. The only thing a student needs is a desire to learn and the ability to follow direction. Our instructor is not a teacher that conducts this conversational Spanish class as a side gig part time; it is our specialty!